Discovery & Innovation Youth Tour North

Huntsville, North Bay, Sudbury & Parry Sound Up to 6+ High Schools are given the opportunity to allow their Youth to attend a 1 day tour to be Educated and Inspired ; The Discovery & Education Youth tour provides; 3 students and 1 teacher per school to visit selected organizations that are utilizing robotics &...

Teachers, Leaders & Mentors Innovation Summit

Inspire Tech Canada provides resources & support to the Huntsville HOYA 4152 First Robotics Team as they host a 2 day summit that; educates and provides training to Teachers, Leaders & Mentors focused in Competitive Robotics.

Fall 2019 Technology Expo

On October 9th  at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre, high school students from the Halton District School Board (HDSB), will be offered a new experiential learning event to learn more about STEM Careers related to Specialist High Skills Major programs in the HDSB. This day will give them the opportunity to explore many different STEM...

Discovery & Innovation Youth Tour (2019)

Parry Sound, Sudbury, North Bay, Burks Falls, Huntsville, Barrie Up to 6+ High Schools are given the opportunity to allow their Youth to attend a 1 day tour to be Educated and Inspired ; The Discovery & Education Youth tour provides; 3 students and 1 teacher per school to visit selected organizations that are utillizing...

Cyber Titan Challenge (Hosted by Webex)

Registration OPENS March 8.2020 and ends April 9.2020 – Limited Space Available Pizza Lunch will be provided along with Prizes. Youth under 18 must be accompanied by a parent and or guardian. This is a community fund raising event that is supporting local High School Robotics Teams.

VRTA Fall 2020 Pick & Place Challenge


InspireTech Canada in collaboration with Taiga Robotics is now providing High-School aged learners and educators a web-based open sourced educational simulator to assist them on their path of Continuous Improvement. (VRTA) provides learners and educators across the province with an advanced solution to deliver game-changing Sector Partner Contextualized Experiences within their school board regions. (VRTA)...