Terms of Service
Terms of Service
Inspire Tech Canada Corp is committed to Inspiring Youth to join & stay in STEM. The Inspire Tech Marketplace is meant to allow, the next generation of great minds, to connect, communicate, meet, share, facilitate and gain access to meaningful resources. The information gathered and that is being provided to the marketplace is being done so voluntarily and is only for the sole purposes aforementioned. The information collected will not be shared, sold or distributed to any person, business, group and or entity outside or the Inspire Tech Marketplace. Inspire Tech Canada has taken all reasonable steps to ensure the privacy of the data contained within is protected utilizing today’s most advanced security services. All authorized members within the marketplace agree and acknowledge that all information provided to the marketplace is recorded and is monitored and cannot be shared, re-purposed or copied.
Inspire Tech Canada will make every effort to ensure the marketplace can sustainably grow in scale and in offering to meet the growing needs of youth today entering the STEM field.